20 Best YouTube Channels for AI and Machine Learning

20 Best YouTube channels for AI and machine learning

What are the most interesting and informative YouTube channels about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning? Subscribe to these 20 high-quality channels today to stay up to date with the latest AI and machine learning breakthroughs. Siraj Raval:

The School of AI is a growing learning community that aims to offer a free, world-class AI education to anyone. Arxiv Insights: Xander Steenbrugge is a machine learning researcher at ML6. His channel summarizes the key points about machine learning, reinforcement learning, and AI in general from a technical perspective, while making them accessible for a bigger audience.

Deeplearning.ai: The official deeplearning.ai YouTube channel has videos from the deep learning specialization on Coursera. Artificial Intelligence — All in One: Tutorial videos related to science and technology.

Andrew Ng: Andrew Ng is a computer scientist and entrepreneur, co-founder of Google Brain, former VP & Chief Scientist at Baidu, adjunct professor at Stanford University. Google Cloud Platform: Videos to help you build what’s next with secure infrastructure, developer tools, APIs, data analytics, and machine learning.

Luis Serrano: Videos help to demystify complex topics, mainly in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mathematics. Data School: Kevin Markham creates in-depth video tutorials for you to understand machine learning topics regardless of your educational background.

Source: gengo.ai