The State of Kubernetes Configuration Management

The State of Kubernetes Configuration Management

Configuration management is a hard, unsolved problem. We share some unique insights about the strengths and weaknesses of several popular K8s config management tools. Of all the problems we have confronted, the ones over which the most brainpower, ink, and code have been spilled are related to managing configurations.

ā€” Brendan Burns, Brian Grant, David Oppenheimer, Eric Brewer, and John Wilkes, Google Inc. Configuration management is a hard, unsolved problem.

When we first started Argo CD, a GitOps deployment tool for Kubernetes, we knew we had to limit its scope to a deployment tool and not go anywhere near config management. We understood that since there was no perfect config management solution, Argo CD should remain agnostic to how kubernetes manifests are rendered, and let the user decide for themselves the right tool and workflow that works best for them.
