Grafana Labs Teams Use Jaeger to Improve Query Performance Up to 10x

Grafana Labs Teams Use Jaeger to Improve Query Performance Up to 10x

Grafana Labs works everyday to break traditional data boundaries with metric-visualization tools accessible across entire organizations. It began as a pure open-source project and has since expanded into supported subscription services. The Grafana open-source project is a platform for monitoring and analyzing time series data.

There are also subscription offerings such as the supported Grafana Enterprise version. Grafana Labs’ engineers service more than 150,000 active installations. Users include companies such as PayPal, eBay and

In 2017, Grafana Labs launched Grafana Cloud, a fully managed OpenSaaS metrics platform. The Grafana platform itself isn’t the only component that makes up Grafana Cloud. The mix includes Grafana Labs’ own Metrictank, a Graphite-compatible metrics service available in both an open-source and a hosted version, and Cortex, an open-source, managed version of Prometheus to which Grafana Cloud contributes.

These tools are integrated in subscribers’ Grafana Cloud instances. Grafana Cloud engineers also use them to troubleshoot their own and individual customers’ technical issues. All these components of Grafana Cloud make up a vast, varied and, at times, vexing software system.

Its engineering teams’ existing tools did plenty of heavy lifting observing and monitoring the system. For example, both Cortex and Metrictank process hundreds of simultaneous service requests per second.
