Kubernetes 1.16: A Big Step for CRDs, Kubectl and Container Storage Interface

Kubernetes 1.16: A big step for CRDs, kubectl and Container Storage Interface

This week Kubernetes 1.16 is expected and we want to highlight the technical features that enterprise Kubernetes users should know about. With Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) moving into official general availability, storage improvements, and more, this release hardens the project and celebrates the main extension points for building cloud native applications on Kubernetes. Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) were introduced into upstream Kubernetes by Red Hat engineers in version 1.7.

From the beginning, they were designed as a future-proof implementation of what was previously prototyped as ThirdPartyResources. The road of CRDs has focused on the original goal of making custom resources production ready, bringing it to be a generally available feature in Kubernetes, highlighted with the promotion of the API to v1 in 1.16.

Source: openshift.com