How Netflix Uses Druid for Real-Time Insights to Ensure a High-Quality Experience

How Netflix uses Druid for Real-time Insights to Ensure a High-Quality Experience

Ensuring a consistently great Netflix experience while continuously pushing innovative technology updates is no easy feat. How can we be confident that updates are not harming our users? And that we’re actually making measurable improvements when we intend to?

Using real-time logs from playback devices as a source of events, we derive measurements in order to understand and quantify how seamlessly users’ devices are handling browsing and playback. Once we have these measures, we feed them into a database. Every measure is tagged with anonymized details about the kind of device being used, for example, whether the device is a Smart TV, an iPad or an Android Phone.

This enables us to classify devices and view the data according to various aspects. This in turn allows us to isolate issues that may only affect a certain group, such as a version of the app, certain types of devices, or particular countries.
