Top 10 Best FREE Artificial Intelligence Courses

Top 10 Best FREE Artificial Intelligence Courses

Most of the Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP job positions, or in general every Artificial Intelligence (AI) job position requires you to have at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or some similar field. If your degree comes from some of the world’s best universities than your chances might be higher in beating the competition on your job interview. But looking realistically, not most of the people can afford to go to the top universities in the world simply because not most of us are geniuses and don’t have thousands of dollars, or come from some poor country (like we do).

No with the high demand of skilled professionals from these fields, there are exceptions being made, so we can see that people who don’t come from these fields, are learning and adjusting themselves in order to get that paycheck.
