Why We Chose a Distributed SQL Database to Complement MySQL

Why We Chose a Distributed SQL Database to Complement MySQL

VIPKid chose TiDB to manage its high data volume, highly concurrent write application. Learn how TiDB excels in that scenario, along with multidimensional queries, data life cycle management, and real-time analytics. We use MySQL as our backend database.

But as our application data grew rapidly, standalone MySQL’s storage capacity became a bottleneck, and it could no longer meet our application requirements. We tried MySQL sharding on our core applications, but it was difficult to run multi-dimensional queries on sharded data. Therefore, we adopted TiDB, an open-source, distributed SQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads.

TiDB supports creating secondary indexes on large tables. We can use it to perform multi-dimensional SQL queries. We don’t need to worry about cross-shard, multi-dimensional queries for sharding any more.

Source: pingcap.com