Why Linkerd Doesn’t Use Envoy

Why Linkerd doesn’t use Envoy

Why Linkerd doesn’t use Envoy In this article I’m going to describe why Linkerd isn’t built on Envoy. This is a bit of a weird article to write.

After all, there are a million projects that Linkerd doesn’t use, and none of those decisions deserve a blog post. But the fact that Linkerd doesn’t use Envoy specifically has become a common enough topic of discussion that it probably deserves a good explanation. Let me also state upfront that this is not an “Envoy sucks” blog post.

Envoy is a great project, is clearly a popular choice for many, and we have nothing but respect for the fine folks who work on it. We recommend Envoy to Linkerd users every day in the form of ingress controllers like Ambassador, and there are production systems around the world today where you can find Envoy and Linkerd working side by side.

Source: linkerd.io